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2020 - A Year for the History Books

What positives can be taken out the global panic of the COVID-19 pandemic? 

Classic Private Wealth is helping our clients to weather the storm of these uncertain and volatile times in both global and local markets.

2020 will be written into the history books for so many reasons. So far it has been a year that has impacted the lives of an untold number of people out there. It has sown panic in the hearts of many and cost many a comfortable or earlier retirement. But, among all the negatives there are also positives that emerge from the quagmire of global panic, for example for Classic Wealth’s clients.

Strategy is often a term loosely used by advisors to inspire confidence. At Classic Wealth this academic term has gone from being qualified on paper to being proven in reality. We are proud to note that our strategic approach to wealth management has, in these challenging circumstances, achieved its primary objective of wealth preservation for our clients. Our clients' performance has not only impressed in the good times but has astounded clients during the current turmoil experienced in the market.

The ability to comfort and protect clients in uncertain times, be it a once in a lifetime event or a general market meltdown which happens from time to time, is what drives our passion and culture.

Let’s walk this journey of lifetime wealth preservation together.


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