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What has protected our clients during times of adversity? - Part 1

Our principles behind wealth preservation are simple.

Classic Private Wealth is helping our clients to preserve their wealth using these principles.

When most people think about financial planning, the first two things that come to mind are investments and insurance, but we believe this term is more nuanced.

Wealth Managers are the custodians of clients’ capital and responsible for ensuring a 100% success ratio for every client.

At Classic Wealth we believe that some of the important principles behind how we preserve wealth for clients during times of adversity are very simple, but they should be adhered to diligently.

1. A trusted advisor: Having a trusted and objective advisor is of immeasurable worth and should be the most trusted person next to your immediate family.

2. Strategy: Having a clear and rules based strategy that can be adhered to even in difficult times.

3. Cash flow planning: Understanding when clients will need their money and based on the outcomes,

4. Following distance: We can invest according to the cash flow needs of the client.

5. Diversification: When it comes to investing, especially when it comes to uncertain times, maximum diversification should be implemented.

We will elaborate on each of the above in the coming weeks…


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